Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy Osmanağa, Vişne Sk. No:11, 34714 Kadıköy/İstanbul

Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy

58 Yorumlar

Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy Osmanağa, Vişne Sk. No:11, 34714 Kadıköy/İstanbul

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Osmanağa, Vişne Sk. No:11, 34714 Kadıköy/İstanbul



  • Tekerlekli sandalyeye uygun giriş
  • Tekerlekli sandalyeye uygun park yeri

Önerilen Yorumlar

Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
Bathrooms is not clean and very old smells very bad, classrooms is so old . Steriled and unhelpful rules for attendance like if u miss 3 classes your gonna repeat the level. So expensive. Following old academic schools teaching techniques. Most teachers do not know or talk english, and of course the whole administration department too. Books is so old and lots of mistaks in it not the best. Anyways u r not seeking for a certificate released from ANKARA UNIVERSITY " so don't go cause their is so many good places better than Töme outhere!"
Mariya Krutko
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
Лучшие для изучения турецкого. Ни с какими репетиторами и краткосрочными курсами не могла заговорить. После прохождения курса, могу свободно читать книги. Учителя приветливые , атмосфера дружелюбная♥️
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
Плохо относятся к выдаче справок. Плохо относятся к возврату денег. Плохо относятся к студентам.
Анна Богданцова
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
Навчалася там 1.5 місяця, в класі було набагато більше людей, ніж було заявлено в їхнїй рекламній брошурі. Підручники на початковому рівні дуже важкі, відбиває бажання вчитися. Деякі теми проходять дуже швидко, що нічого не встигаєш засвоїти. Якщо ви не школяр, або студент, який не працює, а байдикує після занять, будьте готові, що ви не встигатимете за цими перегонами. Навіщо давати так багато інформації, якщо вона не встигає засвоїтися? Щоб відправляти на повтор курсу? Вартість не маленька, їм просто щастить, що конкуренція в цій сфері не велика. Я викладач китайської, навчалася в Китаї як іноземка, мені є з чим порівнювати. Повернулась до свого репетитора онлайн.
The fool never accept the truth
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
NEVER JOIN ONLINE COURSE. AT LEAST NEVER PAY IN ADVANCE.They always induce prepayment. But they dont know whether a class is open or not. They keep saying different things. I have kindly asked return my money back several times. First they let me write down a document to hold class forcedly. After that they suddenly said 6month rule blah blah. If you pay for online course in advance, you cannot get it back like me.
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
I studied there for level 1 (A1) for 2 months.Pros:You will see and be able to meet people from various countries.Very diverse.Cons:The most important piece of information is that this center awards certificates that basically have no value.This center is not registered in the Kadikoy education office,which is very near to this language center by the way.So in case you need a certificate that you will need later for government papers,embassy papers or university,avoid this place completely.It was very expensive,even though the certificate is worth nothing in terms of value.Place is uncomfortably very small.Classes,bathrooms,stairs.I could not breathe well in there and could not wait until break time so i can go to the tiny balcony upstairs to have a breath of fresh air.Not well ventilated throughout the building,unless classrooms' windows are open.Student office employees DO NOT speak English.I always struggled to communicate with them.How can you have a Turkish teaching language center for FOREIGNERS,but you have employees who don't speak English???Same goes for teachers.Only TWO teacher in the whole center speak any English.In a center with more than 8 teachers,this is really poor.I personally had three teachers in the two classes i had,only one spoke English out of the three.Obviously,I recommend you avoid this center completely.
Moe Shrifeh
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
I attended a class that was taught by an instructor called Özlem. She was awful. She likes to bully and humiliate students if she thought they weren’t learning the language well. Had to drop out because of her unprofessionalism. That’s not to talk about the school’s lack of cleanliness and disorganization..
Aziz K.
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
Mutlaka sınav saatlerini arayıp teyid ettirin. Aksi takdirde kendinizi öğlen 1'deki sınav için sabah 10'da gelmiş kalan üç saatte ne yapacağınızı düşünürken bulabilirsiniz.
Üroloji Uzmanı Dr. Elnur Allahverdiyev
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy
Ekim 2018'de Türkçe sınavından geçerek C1 seviyyesi için sertifika almıştım. Ama sertifikam geç hazır olduğu için alamadan Baküye dönmüştüm. Kimlik bilgilerimi gönderirsem Mail olarak atarmısınız lütfen.

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Osmanağa, Vişne Sk. No:11, 34714 Kadıköy/İstanbul
Ankara Üniversitesi Tömer Kadıköy